Workers Compensation – Outside Work


Workers Compensation – Outside Work

workers compensationCan a worker claim for Workers Compensation due to an injury outside of work?

A work injury gives rise to certain types of compensation, in many situations where it doesn’t actually happen at work.  A worker need only show there was enough of a connection with employment that the injury “arises out of or in the course of employment”.  That connection is hard to define, and is a lot broader than most people think. However, many people injured in these situations may be entitled to workers compensation.

Carrie approached Brazel Moore Compensation Lawyers concerned about something that had happened at a work party.  She had experienced bullying and harrassment by one of her colleagues, who had become drunk.

In addition to reporting the matter to HR and seeking an appropriate resolution of the dispute, Carrie had developed a psychological injury from the effects of what happened that night.

Carrie was told by her employer that she wasn’t eligible for Workers Compensation because “it didn’t happen at work”.

Your employer is not your lawyer – Always seek independent legal advice!

Carrie is one of many workers who received incorrect advice from their employer about their workers compensation rights.  Social events, parties, team-building exercise activities, even solo projects pursued outside of work at the encouragement of a workplace can all be seen as work related. Any injuries a worker receives from these events can result in compensation. It is always important to find out where you stand by speaking to an experienced personal injury lawyer.

The circumstances that lead an injury to be “in the course of employment” are quite complex.  Each situation will need to be determined based on the individual facts.  Bottom line – Have you been injured and are not sure of your entitlements?.Call Brazel Moore Compensation Lawyers on 4324 7699 for a free and confidential discussion about your rights.