Have you been injured in a public place, you may be entitled to make a public liability claim.
We recently acting for an injured person, Justin (not his real name) who fell in a car park which was owned and occupied by a local Council.
He fell over a depressed section of patched bitumen, which had been the subject of restoration work in relation to a previous opening in the pavement.
We commenced legal proceedings on behalf of Justin. The Court found that the Council had negligently carried out work and awarded damages in favour of Justin.
Shortly after, the Council appealed. The Appeal Court determined that the Council carried out the work and there was no other causes of the injury occurring. In all the circumstances, the Court found the injured person to be a witness of credit and the Appeal of the Council was dismissed. The Council was also ordered to pay the costs of the Appeal.
If you have been injured as the result of someone else’s negligence, call Peter Moore, Compensation Lawyer on 4324 7699 for a free confidential chat.