At Brazel Moore Lawyers we are experiencing an increase in medical negligence claims following emergency department presentations. The claims entail allegations of hospitals failing to properly investigate and treat patients’ symptoms.
In some of our cases, had the doctor simply referred our clients for imagery and/or to a relevant specialist, our clients would have achieved a better outcome. This would have in turn saved our clients from unnecessary medical expenses, loss of wages and pain and suffering.
According to the Australia Institute of Health and Welfare in 2016-2017 only 26% of people in NSW who presented to an emergency department of a hospital were admitted. 65% of people who presented to an Emergency Department departed without being admitted or referred.
There is no doubt that New South Wales Hospitals are under pressure. Particularly given in 2016-2017 there were almost 3 million emergency presentations in New South Wales alone. Nonetheless, hospitals have a duty of care to take reasonable care in the treatment they provide. This treatment would involve proper investigations and referrals. This also applies to other medical treatment professionals ie. Doctors and Dentists.
As you can see, proving that a hospital has shown negligence in its treatment of you can be very difficult. It requires specialised knowledge and expertise in this field of Law. If you believe that your Doctor, Dentist or Local Hospital has been negligent when treating you, contact Bernard McAuley, Medical Negligence Lawyer of Brazel Moore Compensation Lawyers on 4324 7699 to speak to an experienced compensation lawyer today. We will assess your claim so that you will know where you stand and will represent your best interests on a no win no fee basis.