Have you been injured as a result of negligence?


Have you been injured as a result of negligence?

We recently acted for a person who slipped and fell in the underground car park of a supermarket in NSW.  The person approached us to represent him in legal proceedings.

The supermarket disputed that it knew or should have known that the concrete surface in the car park was slippery.  However, the manager of the supermarket gave evident that what occurred was ‘an accident waiting to happen’.

Our client succeeded, notwithstanding that at the time he was wearing thongs, that he knew the floor was slippery and was talking on his mobile phone whilst pushing a trolley.

An award of compensation was made in his favour.

In another case, we acted for a lady against a Sydney Council.  The client suffered injuries when she slipped on water left by people bringing wet umbrellas and coasts onto the property.

When she was leaving the premises 2 hours after her arrival, the floor was still wet and the Court concluded that it had not been shown that the lady should have been aware that the floor was still wet after that period of time.

The Court held that slipping would not have been an obvious risk to her or a reasonable person in her position. The Court found that precautions should have been taken by the Council and if that was done that would have greatly removed the risk of slipping.  She was awarded compensation.

When a person is injured as a result of the negligence of another, a claim for compensation can be made for pain and suffering, past and future loss of income, past and future medical expenses, domestic assistance and out of pocket expenses.  There are strict time limits that apply so you should seek legal advice at the earliest possible time.

If you would like to know where you stand in relation to a compensation claim, call Peter Moore, Lawyer specialising in Compensation for a free confidential chat on the phone.  If you don’t win we don’t get paid.