I think I got Covid 19 at Work – What can I do?


I think I got Covid 19 at Work – What can I do?

The Corona Virus pandemic has shut a lot of businesses down, but also caused significant illness and even, sadly, death.

Many workers are able to work from home, or at least able take protective measures to limit contact with people. The situation is far more dangerous for those essential workers who must come into contact with hundreds of people each and every shift, particularly where personal protective gear is hard to come by or workers are not trained to use it correctly.

So – “What happens when I get Corona Virus through exposure at work?”

Call our compensation specialists FOR FREE legal advice and assistance in making a workers compensation claim. We are able to assist you over the phone, or with video conferencing, to make sure you get help whilst in isolation. We will help you submit a claim on the same day.

If you or someone you know are confirmed to be COVID positive and you suspect you were exposed and infected in the course of work, you should report this to your employer and seek legal advice immediately.

Contact Brazel Moore Lawyers for a free, confidential discussion about your rights.