Compensation for fat burns!


Could you be entitled to Compensation?. Have you ever been burnt by boiling fat.  It is a painful experience.

Can you imagine, what it would be like to have a fry pan of hot fat thrown into your face and upon your upper body.  That is what happened to a lady who was living in accommodation owned by another person. Her scarring and injuries were substantial.

As bad and horrible as that was, worse was to come when the household insurer rejected her claim for compensation.

This lady consulted Peter Moore of Brazel Moore Compensation Lawyers and he was appalled at the decision of the insurer.

The fight was on and Peter commenced legal proceedings on behalf of the injured  client claiming for pain and suffering, loss of income, medical expenses and domestic assistance.  Although the insurer contested the proceedings there was a successful outcome for the client.

If you have been injured and you believe that it is as a result of the negligence of someone else you should always seek legal advice.  Just because an insurer rejects a claim does not mean that you will not succeed.

If you wish to discuss whether you have a claim for compensation please contact Peter Moore of Brazel Moore Compensation Lawyers on 1800 891 681. Always remember that there are strict time limits that apply and you should always seek legal advice at the earliest possible time.