Compensation Case Review
In a recent matter handled by Peter Moore, Compensation Lawyer, a client reported slipping on a step at the front door of a house she was visiting and as a consequence, her arm went through a glass panel of the door. The stairs leading to the door were wet and slippery and the lighting was poor. The Insurer in this matter disputed liability but the Court found in favour of the injured person and compensation was awarded.
In another matter a client was shopping in a supermarket whilst an employee was unpacking from boxes into a trolley, referred to as a pallet jack. She had to go around the pallet jack which was protruding and she tripped and fell. It was accepted by the Court that no warning was given that the prongs were blocking access to the aisle and that it would be unsafe to walk in that direction. The injured person succeeded in being awarded compensation but the supermarket appealed. The Appeal Court determined that the risk was not obvious but there was a minor reduction for contributory negligence as the shopper omitted to look out for her own safety.
In a further matter, our client suffered injury when he fell in a car park which a local Council owned and occupied. He fell over a depressed section of patched bitumen, which had been the subject of restoration work in relation to a previous opening in the pavement. The Council was found negligent but appealed. The Appeal Court found that Council carried out the work and in the circumstances the Appeal was dismissed. The Council had a pay compensation and costs.
If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, Call Peter Moore, Compensation Solicitor now on 1800 087 934 for a free confidential chat.