Compensation Awarded to Permanently Disabled Employees


Compensation Awarded to Permanently Disabled Employees

Two workers were recently left permanently disabled following a 12 storey fall while inside a cleaning platform.  They plunged around 25 to 30 metres, hitting an awning above Pitt Street in Sydney.  The Court found that the employer was aware that a 10 year major inspection of the window cleaning platform was due but failed to carry it out.  The company was fined $300,000.00.

The Court found that there was extensive cracking in bolts caused by recurring cyclical loading of the plant during operation.  Thus this was an unsafe system of work.

Employers have a responsibility to their staff to provide a safe working environment.

If you are injured in the course of your employment you will have a claim for Workers Compensation.  In addition to Workers Compensation Entitlements you may also be entitled to pursue a Work Injury Damages Claim (negligence claim) for an unsafe system of work.  That may attract substantial compensation.

If you would like to know where you stand in respect of a possible claim for false arrest or a workers compensation claim, call Peter Moore, Specialist Workers Compensation Lawyer on 4324 7699 for a free confidential down to earth chat.